dreadlocks care

Dreadlocks are an excellent choice for those who want to create a unique style that is both personal and natural. Those who grow dreads do so because they want to express themselves without conforming to a certain fashion trend, however, some people also have them for religious, cultural, and political reasons. Whatever the reason, dreads need to be cared for properly if they are going to remain healthy and attractive for long periods of time.

The best way to care for dreads is to avoid using products that contain chemicals. These can cause damage to the hairs and cause the dreads to break. It’s best to rely on a combination of natural ingredients to help maintain healthy and beautiful dreads, such as apple cider vinegar and baking soda.

Wash your dreads regularly and keep them clean by rinsing them well. Use shampoo and conditioner that are specifically meant for dreads to keep them healthy. This will prevent them from smelling bad as they grow and will give them an attractive appearance, says Mboka.

Rub your dreads with wax every week to keep them tight and secure. This will prevent your dreads from loosening up and slipping around the comb. When the dreads start to slip, rub them with dread wax between your palms to tighten them up again.

Massage your dreads and scalp regularly. This will help relax the scalp and promote blood flow to the hair follicles. It will also encourage the growth of healthy hair.

Sleep with a head scarf on, preferably a silk one to reduce frizz and keep your hairs soft and fluffy. This will also keep you comfortable during sleep and prevent the dreads from weighing your hair down and making you uncomfortable.

If you’ve got a tangle problem, try using a crochet hook to fix the small strands of hair coming out of your dreads. This will make the dreads smooth and easier to manage.

Rubbing through: This is a common complaint among those who have dreads for several years. This happens when the rubber band that is worn to hold dreads in place is too tight or if it’s been in contact with the dread for an extended period of time, causing the dreads to become thin and weak.

There are many different causes for rubbing through, but in most cases the solution is to wear a dread that is a little looser or a little less tight than you normally wear it. Some dreads have even been known to come off completely, but the good news is that this will be short-lived and soon you’ll see the locks return in their original form.

A lot of dreads come off because they have been smeared with wax or other gunk, which can set back the process of maturing your dreads. This is particularly true if you’ve used any of the dread butters or gels that are popular in the market.

If you’re not into gels or waxes, try using pure aloe vera on your dreads. This will help the hairs to lock up and is also a great way of keeping the dreads hydrated.